Flat Iron open for business
With the vast majority of our projects, the fit out process or relocation cycle tends to be measured in months not years. With Flat Iron Square though, we've been involved for over four years and how things have changed in that time - when we started looking at the arches, we were still basking join the glory of the 2012 London Olympics!
The journey has been a fascinating one, starting with original ideas around a music venue and supporting spaces (ironic bearing in mind where we've ended up!). Network Rail decided to take the arches back at the end of the original lease, carry out a base build refurbishment scheme and resolve historic issues with some of the listed buildings on the site. While that project was underway, with our client Benj Scrimgeour, we started looking at various uses for different arches, including (at various times over the next two years), a dance school, rehearsal spaces for West End shows, a bakery school, large single occupier restaurants and now the eclectic mix of artisan kitchens, fixed restaurants and the entertainment venue Omeara London.
We've completed our first out-of-the-ground new building (the courtyard block at Omeara), we've acoustically isolated the venue from the railway overhead, completed numerous planning applications and the great thing is that unlike the majority of our corporate projects, Joe Public gets to see and experience the spaces - truly wonderful!
Friday lunchtime on the Low Line